
Global Engine Group,递交招股书,拟美国纳斯达克IPO上市

Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital 2024-02-17

2023年3月1日,来自香港Global Engine Group Holding Ltd(以下简称“Global Engine Group”)在美国证监会(SEC)递交更新后的招股书,拟于美国纳斯达克上市,股票代码为“GLE”。 其于2022年3月25日在SEC秘密递表,于8月16日公开披露招股书。

Global Engine Group拟以每股4至5美元发行350万股普通股,募资或达1750万美元。

Global Engine Group招股书链接:



Global Engine Group,来自香港,作为一家集成解决方案提供商,主要通过使用 ICT解决方案为客户提供服务。

Global Engine Group的目标客户群包括但不限于以下:

● “电信运营商”——为电信运营商提供综合服务,包括从电信牌照申请服务到交钥匙网络建设的一站式采购,以及适应每个客户特定需求的服务外包。 公司特别针对寻求在香港和东南亚市场增长和扩张的中小型电信运营商和 ICT 服务提供商的客户;

● “数据中心和云计算服务提供商”——提供针对云计算和数据中心提供商的业务规划、开发、技术和运营咨询计划。 公司目前的咨询项目包括在香港和东南亚地区建立和收购数据中心设施的技术和监管可行性研究;

● “物联网(IoT)解决方案供应商、经销商和用户”——为寻求通过采用物联网技术和平台转变其服务产品的科技公司提供系统设计、规划、开发和运营服务。

Global Engine Group为客户提供多种产品和服务以满足他们特定的 ICT 需求,公司的一些产品包括:

● “ICT解决方案服务”包括云平台部署、IT系统设计与配置服务、运维服务、数据中心托管服务和云服务;

● “技术服务”包括数据中心和云计算基础设施、移动和固定网络通信以及物联网项目的技术开发、支持和外包服务;

● “项目管理服务”提高了生产力和协作管理,使客户能够成功实施和采用解决方案。


招股书显示,Global Engine Group在上市前的股东架构中,主要股东包括:

Andrew, LEE Yat Lung,通过Valuable Fortune,持股43.5%;

SUNG Pui Hei,通过Cosmic Solution Group,持股6.0%;

中国信息科技(08178.HK),通过Rosy Depot,持股10.0%;

Mr. CHAN Chun Ying,通过Best Digital Developments,持股6.0%;

Ms. SIN Ka Ka,通过Elite Trade Developments,持股6.0%;

Mr. AU Wai Yin,通过Excel Elite Developments,持股6.0%;

Mr. LUK Tat Ho, Andy,通过Market Tycoon Investments,持股5.0%;

Mr. YIU Pak To,通过Top Virtue International,持股5.0%


招股书显示,Global Engine Group的架构如下:

招股书显示,Global Engine Group的管理层如下:

Andrew, LEE Yat Lung, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, Director and Acting Principal Financial Officer and Accounting Officer. Mr. Lee is the founder of the Company and he currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board of the Company, Director and Acting Principal Financial Officer and Accounting Officer. Mr. Lee has served as Chief Executive Officer of GEL since May 2018. Mr. Lee currently serves as the acting Principal Officer and Accounting Officer and will continue serving in such capacity until the Company appoints a Chief Financial Officer upon the effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part. Mr. Lee has over 25 years of experience in the information and communication technologies industry. In this regard, Mr. Lee worked at 21Vianet Group Limited, a Nasdaq-listed company (Nasdaq: VNET), from September 2015 to March 2018 as managing director. From October 2002 to March 2014, Mr. Lee worked at Hutchison Telecom Hong Kong Limited, a main board listed company in Hong Kong (stock code: 215), serving in various positions with his last position being commercial director. Mr. Lee has extensive experience in sales, marketing, business development, project management, and merger and acquisition activities. Mr. Lee obtained his Master of Business Administration from the University of Surrey in October 1998.


SUNG Pui Hei, Chief Financial Officer Nominee and Director Nominee. Mr. Sung will be Chief Financial Officer and a Director of the Company immediately upon the effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part. Mr. Sung has over 13 years of experience in professional auditing, corporate accounting and financial management. In this regard, Mr. Sung worked at Ernst& Young Hong Kong from September 2008 to July 2015, with his last position being a manager. Mr. Sung was the chief financial officer and the company secretary of Shenglong Splendecor International Limited, a company listed on GEM of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code: 8481), from September 2015 to July 2018. He then worked at EFT Solutions Holdings Limited, a company listed on GEM of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code: 8062), from August 2018 to March 2019, with his last position being the chairman assistant. Mr. Sung is currently the chief financial officer of Maxgrand Limited, a company specialising in the supply of lighting fittings, since April 2019. Mr. Sung obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in accountancy and a minor in finance from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in October 2008, and he is currently a practicing and fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”). He was admitted as a member and was advanced as a fellow of HKICPA in September 2012 and October 2019, respectively.


CHAN Kin Wah, Independent Director Nominee. Mr. Chan will be an independent non-executive Director of the Company immediately upon the effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part. Mr. Chan currently serves as a general manager in NWS Holdings Limited, a main board listed company in Hong Kong (stock code: 659) and a director of certain subsidiaries of its group. Mr. Chan is primarily responsible for various businesses in its group including logistics facilities, retail business and healthcare services. Before joining the listed public company, Mr. Chan worked in several major corporations in Hong Kong including Hutchison Global Communications Limited, a telecom conglomerate, Modern Terminals Limited, a container terminal operator and Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, a railway operator. Mr. Chan has extensive experience in accounting, corporate governance, finance and project management, project development, investment, and merger and acquisition activities. Mr. Chan obtained his Bachelor of Commerce degree, majoring in accountancy, from the University of Wollongong in Australia. He was admitted as a member of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants (now known as HKICPA) and the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants (now known as CPA Australia).

HUNG Man Ching, Independent Director Nominee. Mr. Hung will be an independent non-executive Director of the Company immediately upon the effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part. Mr. Hung has over 20 years of experience in the information technology and software development spaces. Mr. Hung currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Crossover International Co. Ltd., a company engaged in information technology consulting, business consulting, due diligence, advisory for tech start-up, software development, web and apps development, event management and training, and has served in such capacity since August 2002. In addition, Mr. Hung has been serving as Charter President of the Rotary Club of Peninsula East, Ltd., a non-profit organization since April 2019. From September 1994 to April 1997, Mr. Hung was employed as an IT consultant with HSBC Asset Management, a global asset management company. From May 1997 to October 1998, Mr. Hung was employed as a system analyst with Wilco International, a software development company, in its London, U.K. office working in the settlement system division. From November 1998 to November 2001, Mr. Hung worked as a Senior Consultant with HSBC Asset Management, in its Hong Kong office. From December 2001 to August 2002, Mr. Hung worked as a project manager with UBS Private Bank, a private banking financial institution, in its Hong Kong office. Mr. Hung obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in computer science from The University of Hong Kong in 1994. Mr. Hung obtained Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Information Systems Management degrees from the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology in 2001. Mr. Hung currently serves as a part-time lecturer at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong.


CHEUNG Chi Hung, Independent Director Nominee. Mr. Cheung will be an independent non-executive Director of the Company immediately upon the effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part. Mr. Cheung has over 28 years in the telecommunication and technologies spaces with extensive experience in business development, product marketing, and corporate management. Mr. Cheung is an entrepreneur for numbers of start-ups in the technology, media, and telecom (“TMT”) market across the Asia Pacific region. Mr. Cheung is the founder and currently serves as executive director and chief executive officer of ARDGO Labs Limited, an investment firm specialized in high-technologies incubation and investments. Mr. Cheung has been employed by ARDGO Labs Limited since September 2021. Mr. Cheung is also the co-founder and currently serves as executive director of M800 Group Limited, which included M800 Limited, a TMT infrastructure service provider to global carriers, and Cinnox Limited, a customer engagement SaaS service provider to global enterprises. Mr. Cheung has served as executive director of M800 Limited and Cinnox Limited since August 2008 and October 2021, respectively. From 2004 to 2007, Mr. Cheung was the business development director for China at a public-listed telecom infrastructure company in Hong Kong. Mr. Cheung obtained his Higher Certificate in Electronic Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1988.


招股书显示,在过去的2021财年、2022财年(财政年度结束日期为6月30日),Global Engine Group的收入分别为2,560.58万、5,461.95万港元,相应的净利润分别为697.28万、816.14万港元


Global Engine Group是次IPO的的中介团队主要有:万通证券为其承销商;Marcum Asia为其审计师;汉坤、汉坤(香港)Robinson & Cole LLP分别为其公司中国律师、公司香港律师、公司美国律师;Pryor Cashman LLP为其承销商美国律师。

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Global Engine Group,递交招股书,拟美国纳斯达克IPO上市

Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital

